The refurbished GE Echospeed Plus Lx 1.5T MRI scanner is widely seen on the secondary market. This 1.5T scanner is equipped with Hi-speed or Echospeed gradients.
Special Apllications: GRE, SPGRE, FGRE, FSPGR, SPECIAL, MRCP, 2D Cine Angiography
Coils Package: CTL Array, Torso Array, Quad Knee/Foot, GP Flex, and 3 round coil.
Technical Features
No. of Channels 4
Gradient Amplitude 33mT/m
Slew Rate 120mT/sec
Spinal Cord Differentiation with CSF No
Internal Auditary Canal No
Motion Correction No
Motion Correction for DWI No
Diffusion Tensor Imaging No
Spectroscopy Single & Multi Voxel Yes
The refurbished GE Echospeed Plus Lx 1.5T MRI offers advanced applications and tool sets that enable high level accuracy, productivity, and reliability in high-definition imaging.
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