GE Signa Excite 1.5T MRI

The refurbished GE Signa Excite 1.5T MRI is a widely used 8 channel high resolution, whole-body MRI scanner. This is also known for its quality performance.


Overview: The refurbished GE Signa Excite 1.5T MRI has a new Linux based OS with 11X software version which supports 8 channel imaging.


Special Apllications: GRE, SPGRE, FGRE, FSPGR, SPECIAL, MRCP, 2D Cine Angiography, LAVA, Propellar, Tricks

Coils Package: Multi Channel Neuro Vascular Coil, CTL phased Array Coil, Body Array Coil, Phased Array Extrimity Coil, Quadrature Phased Array Extrimity Coil (Knee & Foot) Etc


Technical Features

No. of Channels                                                                    8
Gradient Amplitude                                                              33mT/m
Slew Rate                                                                              120mT/sec
Spinal Cord Differentiation with CSF                                   Fiesta C
Internal Auditary Canal                                                         3D Fiesta
Motion Correction                                                                Propellar for Neuro in T2 and FLAIR
Motion Correction for DWI                                                 Yes
Diffusion Tensor Imaging                                                    Yes
Spectroscopy Single & Multi Voxel                                        Yes


The refurbished GE Signa Excite 1.5T MRI is more convenient with:

  • Advance technology for better workflow
  • More scans in less time
  • 3D-dynamic imaging
  • Peripheral vascular imaging and Breast imaging
  • Fast processing


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